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    Reiner is synonymous with some of the highest quality pipes to come out of Germany today. The name Reiner belongs to that of pipemaker Reiner Klein who is credited along with Rudiger L. Will with creating a line of high-end and unique pipe designs. By 1997 Reiner Klein decided to pursue other interests and R. L. Will is the principle carver under the trademarked logo of Reiner.

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The man himself, Rudiger L. Will!

He founded the pipe studio in 1988 and uses only the highest quality Corsican briar in his creations. As you will see on the pipe page, styles range from traditional to distinctive in design. The meticulate and stunning natural art of the grain patterns are embodied within the precise finishes. There are approximately 200 pipes produced by the Reiner pipe company each year. R. L. Will's efforts go beyond pipes alone. He also is the creator of both the Reiner blend of pipe tobacco as well as the more recent Solani series. While the Reiner series brings to the avid smoker a milder series of tobaccos and a pleasant room aroma, the Solani blends exhibit a mature range of tobaccos that emphasize quality with less aditives. Be sure to check out the tobacco section to see his tobacco lines and also click on the the series of links below to check out some of the range of styles he has created as well as his background in pipemaking. Call us for information about availability.

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