Reiner Tobacco is a product from Rudiger Will of Germany who produces both the Reiner and Solani brands of tobacco. Reiner and Solani tobaccos are generally considered to be some of the finest tobaccos in the world whether you enjoy the fine flavor and fragrance of an Aromatic, English, Virginia or Burley tobacco. The quality is at the pinnacle of the tobacco blending craft.
Reiner Tobacco

Long Golden Flake - A very special blend of golden Virginia, fine white Burley, spiced with high ar..
Professional Blend - A blend with the finest Virginia and Burley Leaf, Black Cavendish, enriched wit..
Yellow Star Blend - Aromatic - An exquisite mixture of ripe brown and Black Cavendish tobaccos, read..
Light Aromatic Blend - A mixture of bright Virginias, light Black Cavendish and toasted Burley, a ..
Light Aromatic Blend - A mixture of bright Virginias, light Black Cavendish and toasted Burley, a ..
Light English Blend - A mild-spicy mixture of bright and dark Virginias, selected Kentucky leaves, ..
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