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Monjure International is the US distributor of fine hand-made Italian, German, Portuguese, and Danish pipes. We also carry a selection of premium tobaccos from R. L. Will, James Fox, Brebbia, and Robert Lewis as well as Brebbia accessories. Thanks for visiting and please be sure to browse through the pipe and tobacco listings below to read detailed information about the lines of pipes, tobacco and accessories we carry in our online shopping cart. Be sure to contact us if you have any comments or questions.
Ardor Pipes
Rinaldo Pipes
Brebbia Pipes
Joao Reis Pipes

Solani Tobacco
Reiner Tobacco
J.J. Fox Tobacco
Robert Lewis Tobacco
Brebbia Tobacco

Brebbia Accessories

 Leather Goods


Listen to what people are saying about Rinaldo pipes on Facebook!

  John Seiler tagged you in The Gentlemen’s Pipe Smoking Society .       John Seiler shared 2 photos in The Gentlemen’s Pipe Smoking Society June 19 at 10:31 AM   I just received my new Megas Rinaldo Hawkbill pipe from Steve Monjure , made by Guido Rinaldo and his brother. It is BIG. The construction and craftsmanship are spot on. It is much larger than any other Castello Shape #84 in my pipe collection. Now to break it in with some McClelland #5100! As I have often said "I have never met a Rinaldo pipe that I didn't like:!        Like Comment  
John Seiler shared 2 photos in The Gentlemen’s Pipe Smoking Society
June 19 at 10:31 AM
I just received my new Megas Rinaldo Hawkbill pipe from Steve Monjure, made by Guido Rinaldo and his brother. It is BIG. The construction and craftsmanship are spot on. It is much larger than any other Castello Shape #84 in my pipe collection. Now to break it in with some McClelland #5100! As I have often said "I have never met a Rinaldo pipe that I didn't like:! 

Rinaldo Hawkbill



Robert Lewis Wingfield Mixture 50g tin

Robert Lewis Wingfield Mixture 50g tin

  • In this mixture, fine Virginias have been carefully blended with sun cured and dark leaf. This is a..

  • Reiner Green - Light Aromatic Blend  50g tin

    Reiner Green - Light Aromatic Blend 50g tin

  • Light Aromatic Blend - A mixture of bright Virginias, light Black Cavendish and toasted Burley, a ..

  • Brebbia Balkan Blend 50g tin

    Brebbia Balkan Blend 50g tin

  • Fullbodied blend of the finest Oriental tobaccos, dark-fired Kentucky, Louisiana Perique, and 40% C..

  • Brebbia Latakia Flake 50g tin

    Brebbia Latakia Flake 50g tin

  • Natural Sweet Virginia and a generous amount of Cyprian Latakia that is pressed and aged - outstandi..

  • Solani Blue Label 369 50g tin

    Solani Blue Label 369 50g tin

  • Blend 369 - A blend with Bright & Red Virginias, Burley, Mild Black Cavendish, Perique. A mild,..

  • Ardor
    Joao Reis
    Kai Nielsen