Brebbia Tobacco Logo
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The Brebbia Tobacco Story:

In 1947, Enea Buzzi, founder of Pipe Brebbia, began manufacturing fine Italian pipes. Pipe Brebbia soon became quite well-known throughout the world as a premier pipe company. The Brebbia name was synonymous with fantastic quality, great design, and expert craftsmanship.

Today, Pipe Brebbia is under the administration of Enea's son, Luciano Buzzi. The family tradition has continued for over 58 years. Luciano has painstakingly developed eleven wonderful pipe tobacco blends under the Brebbia name. We are very proud of introduce these very fine tobaccos which have been expertly crafted to provide the pipe smoker with the best possible smoking pleasure. Go here to read more about the history of Brebbia.

We thank you for selecting these outstanding blends and we feel confident that they will be among your favorite tobaccos.

Browse through the listings below and feel free to contact us with any questions. Enjoy!

(Note: All prices listed below are at the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price)

Check It Out button(All blends listed below are available in our online store.)Check It Out button

Brebbia Latakia Number 9 Mixture

Brebbia Latakia No. 9 Mixture



Brebbia Latakia No. 9 Mixture. Natural Sweet Virginia and a generous amount of Cyprian Latakia that is pressed and aged - outstanding!

Brebbia Balkan Blend

Brebbia Balkan Blend



Brebbia Balkan Blend. Fullbodied blend of the finest Oriental tobaccos, dark-fired Kentucky, Louisiana Perique, and 40% Cyprian Latakia - delicious.

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